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Installing pre-commit

pre-commit is a python program which can be installed with pip

Minimum requirements

  • pyhton 3.7 and higher

Installation on RHEL8 (defaults to pyhton 3.6)

  1. Install Python 3.9

        sudo dnf install python39-3.9.7

  2. Create a venv and activate it

        /usr/bin/python3.9 -m venv ~/.venv/pre-commit 
        . ~/.venv/pre-commit/bin/activate

  3. Install pre-commit

        pip install --upgrade pip
        pip install pre-commit

  4. Set an alias or link to ~/.venv/pre-commit/bin/pre-commit to use it

On other Linux distributions with python 3.7 and later, you can either create a virtual environment or install with pip install --user pre-commit

Using pre-commit

Configuration files

The config file for pre-commit are created in the root directory of github and is called .pre-config.yml. In case of ansible collections other config files may apply such as .ansible-lint and .yamllint. The required config files should be created and maintained by the repo maintainers. Hence they are automatcially downloaded with git clone and git pull commands

Activate pre-commit

A repository maintainer activates pre-commit by running pre-commit install within a directory of the cloned repository

Deactivate pre-commit

run pre-commit uninstall

Useful commands

When you first install pre-commit on a repository and you have created your confg file, you should run:

pre-commit run --all-files [--show-diff-on-failure]

The optional parameter --show-diff-on-failure prints the problematic code at the end of the run.