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Initiative Overview

The SAP LinuxLab Open-Source Initiative Projects are developed collaboratively between SAP Technology Partners, providing unified and modular code/tools for the benefit of SAP Customers and SAP Service Partners.

All Projects are provided under the Apache 2.0 license, for re-use by any corporation; whether in-house, or in services / products by SAP Partners.

The collaboration within the SAP LinuxLab Open-Source Initiative provides SAP-run Enterprises with greater consistency across different platforms, with vendor-neutrality across the technology layers.

The projects within this initiative help SAP-run Enterprises with various tools, notably including automation of SAP Landscapes (Networking, Storage, Compute, Operating System, SAP Software), SAP tooling (e.g. sizing) and architectural guidance for SAP Landscapes.

The ambition is to enable SAP-run Enterprises worldwide with similar daily problems, to overcome their challenges without following a singular and static approach from a single SAP Technology Partner. Instead these projects under the SAP LinuxLab can be extended and used for bespoke requirements, or used by SAP Service Partners to improve implementation and maintenance services for SAP-run Enterprises.

Development Roadmap for each Project is available upon request, and core developer/s of each Project use GitHub Issues to understand Bugs and Feature Requests.