Prerequisites for the Power Platform

To create this demo you need to have the following information available:

  • Admin Access to your Ansible Automation or AWX Controller
  • Name or IP Adress of PowerVC
  • Access Credentials for PowerVC (to create LPARs and Network)
  • A preconfigured OS Image that can be deployed using PowerVC
  • Network Ports of PowerVC need to be reachable by Ansible Execution Environment

Openstack Ports used by PowerVC

Port OpenStack Component Name
5000 Keystone
8774 Nova
9696 Neutron
9000 Cinder
9292 Glance


This demo assumes you have a DNS Server with static hostentries, where the IP addresses are predefined. It is recommended to use a prefix for the servers you use in this environment, e.g. sapdemo21 sapdemo22