Prerequisites for the Power Platform
To create this demo you need to have the following information available:
- Admin Access to your Ansible Automation or AWX Controller
- Name or IP Adress of PowerVC
- Access Credentials for PowerVC (to create LPARs and Network)
- A preconfigured OS Image that can be deployed using PowerVC
- Network Ports of PowerVC need to be reachable by Ansible Execution Environment
Openstack Ports used by PowerVC
Port | OpenStack Component Name |
5000 | Keystone |
8774 | Nova |
9696 | Neutron |
9000 | Cinder |
9292 | Glance |
This demo assumes you have a DNS Server with static hostentries, where the IP addresses are predefined. It is recommended to use a prefix for the servers you use in this environment, e.g. sapdemo21 sapdemo22